Google paid 1.1 billion dollars for HTC (Random news)

Random Tech news Today something random yess... Today I had discover that Google bought a part of HTC and yes that's true I think is the smartphone part, like designers and others that's is nice because now they will focus more on Pixel phones, more than 2 thousands employes and they paid 1.1 billion dollars they paid a lot of money for it and we hope to see a lot of new stuff coming up but this is all from Google. Now it's time for Huawei, a few days ago a post something like "Huawei Matte 10 better iPhone X" and today I will talk about the new Huawei Chipset just to start I have to say that chip is a hell of a chip a beast and this is real the chip can download up to 1,2 Gbps and the chip comes with Artificial intelligence dedicated this is the most powerful chip ever Huawei is making the marks so this is all for today stay tuned to the blog.