Project Cars 2 Official released

Project Cars 2

Games, games, games, games today project Cars were released and I don't have much to talk about but this game is getting better and better for those who don't know project Cars is a racing simulator game

 that have as competition Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo this game as High Quality image 60fps gameplay this is so amazing and you can enjoy right now because is already been released this game is out for PC, Xbox and PS4 now the game have new ways to race, as I can tell including rally options on dirt, mud and snow tracks, as well as competitions in mountainous regions now you will 200 vehicles of 40 classes that's a decent number the sequence will also feature a cooperative career mode, allowing you to enter the role of co-driver, relay driver, observer, or other positions common to team disputes and Project CARS 2 will allow you to have your own custom test track and learn engineering concepts through Project CARS Academy this game is getting me excited so are you excited too just to remember the game is already available stay tuned to blog.

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