Core i9 "the beast is coming"

Hello guys today I'm going to talk about something different but is a big step, Core I9 yes you read it right the core I9 is coming and it's the best definition of "beast" we know AMD AS Ryzen and that is a hell of a good chip but with this big jump by Intel the throne is coming to the king the Core i9-7900X this chip leaves behind all of the i7 series and the most powerful Ryzen

 and they sad there is more room for improvement, you already know what's going on a beast is coming to the market the CPU comes with 10 nucleus and 20 threads this CPU is off the limits the chip is above the normal levels and it uses a consumes a lot of energy more energy then his predecessors and it has a big potential for overclocking this monster has a cost and we will be forced to pay a fortune for this beauty I'm talking about US$999 yes Is to expensive but think the power inside it it's a nother level... This is Leandro Christian share with family and friends leave a comment for feedback tech is the future thanks for read !


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