The New Xbox One X and Forza 7

Today I have something really insane a beast, a monster I'm talking about the New Xbox One X (Project Scorpio) the official name is Xbox One X and the console is a beast sadly the price is a beast too but let's leave that and talk about the important part.

 The New Xbox on the inside is rocking a 6 Teraflop GPU enables 4K environments and characters to become more realistic than ever, with more detail and smoother animations and this is true 4K this console is insane and that is not all.
This console is 40% more powerful than any other console on the market the 8-core custom AMD CPU is clocked at 2.3GHz real world detail and the game becomes more smoother with a insane memory 12GB GDDR5 RAM we will get more speed and more power on the console, faster load times game graphics are faster and more detailed with 326 GB/sec memory bandwidth, to keep your gaming momentum flowing sad one member of the Microsoft, If you have a 1080p TV you will get a nice experience of gameplay the detail and other stuff will be more impressive this console is a beast the console is smaller from the previous version and more powerful.

All that power doesn't more heat Xbox One X uses advanced liquid cooling and the supercharger-style centrifugal fan to ensure it stays cool and to finish this Xbox Will be compatible with all accessories and more impressive will be compatible with older Xbox games, not just Xbox One and 360 but the original Xbox games too but all this power all this stuff have a cost and that is $499 dollars for a console that's a high cost but all that power I think is worth this the New Xbox One X and for a bonus Forza Motorsport 7 is coming on October and this is one o the best racing games ever made so goes are you exacted for the New Xbox One X I hope you like it this console will be available on November 7 so stay tuned to the blog for more Leandro Christian share with family and friends tech is the future!


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