E3 2017 Insane games (Forza 7 and FIFA 18)

Hello guys today I'm going to talk about the upcoming games some of them will be available only next year so don't get very excited.
 Everyone knows that we are on the half of the year and this is time to get prepared to spend money with the best games in the market there are games that I'm to excited to see starting with the Xbox exclusive ones first

Forza Motorsport 7 this is racing simulator game that gives you a never seen driver experience and insane graphics nice cars and everything that you can expect on a racing game simulator, now I'm going to talk about a not exclusive one the

FIFA 18 this game look gorges very beautiful sense last year they start using frostbite engine the game as change very much from the Graphics to the gameplay, last year we got the career mode and this year we will have it back again and something that I was not waiting for Cristiano Ronaldo the Real Madrid football player will be the cover of the game that is something new sense from that Hunter will be back and everything be improved so get ready for this one...

 And jumping to a PS4 exclusive the God of War 4 this game is coming early 2018 and will be amazing  the Kratos as change much and now you will get the story of the game with is son, now he as a new weapon and new skills of fight so stay tuned for that and a lot of things have changed stay tuned to know more

This is not a exclusive one but is a nice cool game too I'm talking about The Crew 2 this game as changed a lot sense The Crew it's more amazing and has insane graphics like every other game In this year you will get to drive cars, bikes, jet, boats and many other stuff I guess this game have change a lot so stay tuned to know more so Thank You for the people who read my stuff and keep reading and following my blog and give a feedback so I can improve this Leandro Christian stay tuned to the blog for more tech Is the future !


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