OnePlus 5 vs other smartphones and price tag

I few days ago the OnePlus 5 was announced and as expected high tech under the hood, today article I will talk about price and phone specs, we know the Samsung galaxy S8 is very beautiful is unique, we have the LG G6, the IPhone 7 and 7+ Google pixel and many other phones on the market high end smartphone's with high end specs 

but the price is always a problem and the more high end they become the more expensive they become the funniest thing OnePlus is a very small company but they build a high end smartphone a beautiful one too they are no doubts about the hardware of that phone but the price is so different, I have a post on that feel free to see things about the OnePlus on my other post and you will be impressed by the price Samsung phones Apple phones are too expensive why???... Only for the name, the OnePlus has a hardware that leaves any other smartphone on the ground why that price why other company's does the same thing the only I can see here is price over beauty and nothing more name over everything I love all the phones In the market but something's aren't right let me know what you think on the comments share and follow the blog !


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