The true about gaming Xbox One X PS4 and PC

Hello Guys today I have something a little bit different I'm going to talk about a bunch of things and try to connect it all a few day ago the most powerful console was announced with that a lot of question appeared, when Microsoft show that console many people was like wow!...

This is a beast of a console, but we that sense last year the PS4 Pro is available and ever sense the PC GAMER is available but the PS4 Pro don't have power to compete with the New Xbox One X this new console is a serious beast but that's not the main point, when someone see that console the first thought is a can build a PC GAMER will be better and that's true very true no way that a console can handle a PC GAMER

 but this console as so much to offer for a console Microsoft as done a good job and I love the console already I know the price is not the most beautiful in the world but is worth it the console is optimise for the best gaming experience and 4K gaming experience and do play with that 4K experience on a PC you will need a lot of money because 4K in a PC is a big deal so talking about PS4 Pro I think I can say R.I.P

but not quite Sony still as the exclusive, but PS4 Pro is powerful but it doesn't handle to well the 4K we have a lot of bad things going on when we're playing at 4K but the Xbox One X and just so prepared and no way that Sony is going to make up to this no software optimization is going to save that console now the only thing they have left is exclusive but this Xbox One X is a big step we can that console's are becoming more powerful and nice to invest and Xbox has nice exclusive now we just have to wait until the New Xbox arrive in the market so we can test it better... PC GAMER, Xbox One X or the sadly PS4 Pro this is Leandro Christian follow, share with friends and family and everyone else you know leave a comment for feedback tech is the future !


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