WWDC Apple event new Mac's and IOS 11

Hello guys I said that today I would talk about something cool and this is it, WWDC the Apple event this year they are showing a lot of cool stuff Apple fans and lovers will enjoy this to much.
 They are going to release a new Mac and a brand new Mac pro the first generation.
 The Mac is updated with a nice cool things on the Hardware like the Graphics card, processor and all that stuff but the Mac Pro is a all nother scene the machine is a "beast" Apple has impressed me the "beast" comes this a Xeon processor with a nice cool display 5K this
Is the extreme model, the regular one has Xeon processor too a AMD Radeon GPU 16GB VRAM  and 4TB of space SSD just to impress this new Mac's are beast and this is not all, we still got IOS 11 a lot of things as change like control panel, IMessage, Siri has become more intelligent and now you can pay or give money to your friend by IMessage using Apple pay, they have a lot of cool stuff on this event they shown a lot of cool stuff they all ready blow our mind's with this stay tuned to know more this is Leandro Christian follow because you will see a lot of cool stuff right here !


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